Why private lending might be right for your client 

No matter how busy your business is, or how seasoned your buyers are, it can be easy to forget that private lenders can provide attractive solutions to the right client. 

Private lenders can offer reduced paperwork, faster turnaround times, expedited processing, and specialised offers; all these advantages are geared toward a particular type of client looking for a customisable and flexible financing solution. 

You’ll quickly discover that with Baccus Investments Ltd. negotiable trails, fast and easy application approval, competitive interest rates and terms and straightforward lending guidelines are all benefits on the table for discussion with your client base.  

We specialise in secured fixed interest investments, offering attractive returns to investors & fast, competitive finance solutions for borrowers. We work with a national network of property and investor clients, with active transactions in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland.

In Australia, private lenders are regulated and are subject to ASIC oversight, so clients can feel reassured that their financial situation remains protected when using a private lender.

How to get in touch

At Baccus Investments Limited, we’re always available to chat. We encourage you to reach out and learn more about why private lending could be the best fit financing for many of your current and future clients.