As with any investment there are risks that an investor may face. These include the risks described in the PDS.
You should consider these before investing.
The structure of the Fund allows an investor to choose whether their funds are applied to a particular loan secured over a particular property. The performance of other Mortgage Investments made through the Fund, which may not suit an investor's particular objectives or tolerance for risk, do not impact on the investors in any other Mortgage Investments.
Since each Syndicate is separate from any other Syndicate, a default under one Mortgage Investment is borne by the relevant Syndicate Members and is not shared by the members of any other Syndicate.
The Member will be offered the opportunity to invest in a Mortgage Investment through a separate Syndicate SPDS. Each Syndicate SPDS is issued as a supplementary document to our PDS and will set out details of the particular Mortgage Investment, such as:
It will also set out the aggregate amount to be contributed by Members wishing to be part of the Syndicate. Upon acceptance by the investor of the terms of the Syndicate SPDS, their funds will be advanced to the borrower under the Mortgage Investment selected by the Member.
Baccus Investments Limited does not provide any financial product advice, whether in the nature of personal advice or general advice, as to the suitability of an investment in the Fund. It therefore does not advise potential investors. Investors should seek their own independent investment advice before making an investment in the Fund or in a Mortgage Investment