Discover the benefits of a private lender

Typically, a private lender is an organisation that provides financing and loans to companies for business and investment purposes, much like a bank does. 

However, private lenders are able to offer a different experience to securing financing from a bank, and there are specific advantages to using a private lender.

Plus, the personal touch you get from a dedicated team can make all the difference. Here’s what you and your clients should know:

  • Private lenders are well-regulated: In Australia, private lenders are regulated and subject to ASIC oversight. Clients can have confidence that their financial situation remains protected when using a private lender.
  • Faster transactions doesn’t mean skimping on the due diligence:
    Often, a private lender will move a transaction from initiation to completion quicker than the banks. Private lenders are invested in making sure a deal doesn’t fall through, and this means making sure it’s the right fit for your clients. A private lender will often be upfront with any legal or contractual terms that might be a deal-breaker – so your client’s deal can move faster once everyone is on the same page.
  • Private lenders offer flexibility: Private lenders may offer a range of benefits such as reduced paperwork, faster turnaround times, expedited processing, and specialised offers. For many buyers looking to take advantage of a fast-moving opportunity, a private lender can enable an important deal. 
  • Unconventional borrowers are ideal private lending clients: Generally, buyers in need of private financing are looking to close a deal without cashing out their existing assets, and this isn’t a great fit for risk-averse banks. New businesses, small business owners, property developers and property investors looking for an unconventional property can all benefit from a private lender. 

Negotiable trails, fast and easy application approval, competitive interest rates and terms and straightforward lending guidelines are just a few of the benefits of working with Baccus Investments Limited. 

At Baccus Investments Limited, we’re always available to chat. We encourage you to reach out and learn more about why private lending could be the best fit financing for many of your current and future clients.